Attorney Contract Work: Do I Need a Lawyer to Deal with Contracts?
If you have ever had a legal contract that you are not sure about, you’re not alone. One of the most frequent issues brought for legal counsel and advice. Contracts are a legally binding agreement between the parties listed and once signed, you can be held liable for any failure to uphold your end of the agreement. Therefore, it is essential that you get the best advice before signing or agreeing to any legal contracts.
Types of Contracts
There are a variety of different contract types. Some of the most common are listed below.
- Work contracts
- Marriage contracts
- Medical contracts
- House and property deeds
- Wills and other contracts
- Business and individual contracts
- Apartment or commercial building leases
These are just a sampling of the many different types of contracts you may encounter or need help within your daily life. Whether the deal involves a personal agreement between parties or a business contract, they are all legally-binding contracts, providing the person has done everything according to the law.
Why get a lawyer to read your contracts?
Many people wonder why they should hire a lawyer just to read what they can read themselves. But legal terminology is often confusing and seems to engage in “double-speak” many times. Licensed attorneys have a keen sense of detail, and they understand legal terminology better than most people do, so they can interpret your contract correctly and explain to you in “everyday language” what it means.
It is essential to know exactly what you are signing when you are given a contract. If you sign a contract without adequate understanding, you may inadvertently agree to do something you cannot fulfill. This situation can put you or your business in a dangerous situation.
What happens if I don’t live up to a legal contract?
If you fail to live up to all terms of a legal agreement, the person who drew up the deal can sue you for what is known as “breach of contract.” This means that, if you lose the case, you could be out legal fees, court costs, and other expenses in addition to having to pay the plaintiff damages for failing to live up to the contract.
Depending on the circumstances, you could end up owing thousands of dollars in back pay or money if it involves money (and it usually does). Additionally, you could be required to live up to the remaining terms of said contract such as working for a company that you agreed to complete work for, and other requirements.
Is this a criminal case if I am sued for breach of contract?
No such matters as breach of contract suits are matters of civil litigation. Civil cases are brought before a judge by second parties that are suing for monies they think you owe them due to the lack of money or time you failed to provide to them because you did not fulfill their perceived obligation.
The only time a contract would be a criminal matter is if it involved arrangements that could also carry a criminal penalty for failing to complete them such as an IRS installment agreement, student loan promise to pay settlements, and other matters. But even in these cases, usually, a civil case is filed first which would be a matter of civil liability.
How to Handle Contracts or Breach of Contract Cases
If you have been given a “breach of contract” suit or subpoenaed to appear before a court on a breach of contract issue, you need a civil attorney to handle your case.
David T. Schlendorf, Attorney at Law in Toms River, New Jersey, can easily handle your case involving a breach of contract suit. They can give you adequate legal representation in a court of law or get your case dismissed or settled out of court. Once they know the circumstances involving your contract, they will be able to sit down with you and guide you on the right steps to take to protect yourself.
Better yet, if you have a current contract under review before you sign anything, you need a seasoned attorney to go over the finer points and advise you on whether you should sign it or not. David Schlendorf or any of his associates can read over your contract with a fine-toothed comb, skimming the finer details to make sure the meaning is understood. They can go over your agreement with you before you sign so that you will know what you are about to agree to.
This way, you’ll have the peace of mind needed to make an intelligent decision on whether you should sign. Then you should always keep a copy of your contract in a safe place so that you will have it ready if you are ever challenged.
About DTS Law Firm
We handle contracts of any kind at the Law Offices of David T. Schlendorf in Toms River, New Jersey. We have over 17 years experience in family law and business litigation situations. Whatever type of contract you have, bring it into our offices, and we will help you determine what it is stating. So you will have no doubts as to the validity or requirements and stipulations of the contract.
A contract, whether personal or commercial, as we have stated, is a legally-binding agreement. Don’t sign anything until you understand what it says. Get our professional team at DTS Law Firm to help you analyze your contracts. Whether it’s a contract given to you or one you need to draw up for your employees or other parties, we can help.
Contact our attorneys using our online contact form today or give us a call today to schedule an appointment or consultation. If it’s contracts you need or need analyzing, we can help. We also help with any number of civil and criminal cases, as well.
We look forward to visiting with you.